As we move in to stage 4 lockdown, our practice will re-open with precautions in place.
Changes to our practice:
- Terry and Francis with treat all patients using a mask and or visor.
- We have also moved to wearing scrubs, and if moving between the hospital and practice we will change into new scrubs.
- we are following an ‘open door policy’ – the door to the practice is open to avoid having to ring the bell and touch the door handles.
- Zelda’s desk will be fitted with a sneeze shield this week
- chairs in the waiting room have been spaced to allow for physical distance
- all magazines and books have been removed from the waiting room
- the credit card machine and phones are wiped down with an alcohol based sanitizer after each use. You will have the option of also making an EFT of using SnapScan. For those patients with funds we will continue to submit to your medical aid.
- we have replaced our clipboards with plastic clipboards that can be wiped down after use.
- we have plastic plinth covers to facilitate wiping down of surfaces between patients
- we also have plastic pillows
- in the past we have offered chest treatment for uncomplicated respiratory conditions. We will not be treating any chests during the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak as we are not equipped with N95 respirators, disposable linen, and disposable gowns. Should you require the services of a respiratory physiotherapist, please contact us and we will provide you with contact details.
- Zelda will be working remotely if possible. Please phone or send an SMS/WhatsApp to the practice cell phone 072 362 7876 to make an appointment if the landline is not answered. You can also contact Terry on 082 901 3267
- We have deactivated the service on MyAppointment which allows patients to make their own appointments so that we can space appointments appropriately and screen patients.
- Appointments will be spaced to allow for as few people in the practice as possible. When arriving for your appointment please wait in your car and come up at your appointment time.
- If someone needs to bring you in because you can’t drive, and need assistance, they can help you to the rooms and then wait in the car.
- If you have a sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, body aches, loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fatigue or fever, do not come in. Please phone and notify us prior to your appointment and we will advise you on the next step.
- Patients will need to complete a screening questionnaire prior to visiting the practice/ on arrival.
- We ask all patients coming into the practice to wear a
mask – a fabric mask is perfect. We will have fabric masks available for purchase should you not have one.
- we also ask all patients to bring a large bath towel, hand towel and their own shorts to their appointments
- All patients and staff will have temperature screening on arrival at the practice
- Hand sanitizer is place at the entrance to the practice – please sanitize hand when you arrive and when you leave the practice
- We will be working fewer hours and will try to work as much as possible in the morning. This will allow Zelda and Linda to travel to and from the practice in off peak hours.
- During this time should you not wish to come into the practice you can make use of a telehealth consult. During the state of Disaster we can offer telehealth consults. Medical aids are covering a portion of the consult please check with your medical aid.
We look forward to working as a team through this time to have the best outcome for you.
Should you have any concerns or suggestions please email, phone us, or comment on the post. For regular updates you can go to our Facebook page